
The Traveling Thai Blog is your gateway to find new places for exploration, adventure, yummy food, and fine wine. In my yearning to learn about new cultures, appreciate the abundance of what other countries contribute to the world, I make travel a priority in my life. I’ve been a traveler since I was a wee one, thanks to parents who appreciated the art of traveling. Yes, I was a child of those parents who stopped at roadside historical markers, with a car full of snacks and the constant nagging of me saying, “Are we there yet?” But if it weren’t for them, I would not have seen the many places abroad. The travel blood runs deep as my mom became a travel agent. I ended up working for an airline then for an airport, and combined, we were off to explore all the nooks and crannies the world had to offer. I continue my travel adventures today domestically and internationally as a photographer and travel writer who shares her various adventures, past and present so others may learn new and exciting places to experience.

My blog posts contain the various places I’ve been, and given my own experiences, I hope they may help you in making your future travel plans. You’ll discover information from places to visit, hotels, outdoor adventures, airline lounges, and anything in between. You’ll find in the Food and Drink section a plethora of different places to eat, wineries, and several food tours I did or didn’t enjoy from across the world.

If you see a piece of information that interests you, I welcome any questions, send me an e-mail. If I don’t have the immediate answer, I may be able to direct you to a place that fills your need. Let’s get ready to travel and explore this beautiful world!

Until next time, happy travels!

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